Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ease up

As the weather cools it is hard to believe we are reaching the end of another cycle. The time that has passed seems at once so close, the experiences still fresh and then so far, so much has happened and changed. Lately I have been thinking a lot about this fund raising challenge and how it relates to the busy pace of modern life and the often abstract notion of helping others or being involved in change. I have been going over in my head why I am doing this challenge, how I started and what has happened to me since it began. I have at times watched the others that are participating in the challenge and then for long stretches I remove all connection and just do my own thing. There are still more months to go and corners to explore and personal edges to push the boundaries of - clearly I still have more reflecting to do, but that is where my head and heart have been.

Tonight I came to the realization that part of what I was doing was trying to find how I can be sustainable in my own life and how activism and social change can be too. How you can help make a difference while getting on with your own life and really see the change - which is refreshing in a political climate that often leaves the majority of people feeling unheard. I am doing this challenge as much for me and my community as I am for those that we are helping. By seeing direct change come from our joyful efforts we increase hope and positivity - something we all need.

Uganda Rocks, Part Deuce...

Mark your calendars for Friday November 27th and be there...

Stomachs full of food, head and heart full of family - the Friday after Thanksgiving is the perfect time to go out, celebrate and reconnect with old friends. This year do all of that while helping to make a difference in the world.

Show your gratitude and give thanks by helping others on Friday November 27th when Spy Club hosts Uganda Rocks, II. The ticket price of $12 goes towards the completion of ongoing humanitarian projects aiding Uganda - the building of a seven room primary school, the creation of an eco-birthing center for mothers with HIV/AIDS and providing a well and new mattresses for an orphanage in rural Uganda. Making a noticeable difference in the world is as easy and direct as coming to a show. So come out for what promises to be another great night of music raising money for the greater good.

While the entire line up is not confirmed quite yet I can give you a hint at what is in store. The night includes some fine blues coming from Blue Elephant,a dose of funky jazz from Suburban Transit and the night ends with none other than the infamous rockers, the Martini Bros. Add to this a dash of hip hop jazz fusion coming out of Philly and a sweet starter course of bluegrass and I would call this the perfect night...

Save the date - and get your dancing shoes shined up. Uganda Rocks II is coming.

Doing what we do ... and doing for the greater good.

Thank you to everyone who has participated so far. Together as a community we have raised over $6,000. We have already made a great difference and built a bridge from Harrisburg to Uganda.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

malas from nyc to uganda

This past winter a happy crew of yoga friends met up in New Hope to go to Seane Corn's workshop at Yogaphoria. I went with two friends from the Rasa Vinyasa kula, Shani and Barb, and we met up with Shani's friends coming in from New York., Emily and Elif. The weekend changed the course of my life by taking my yoga practice to the next level in a way I had never expected - this is when I decided to sign up for this challenge - to try and raise $20,000 within my community to aid ongoing projects in Uganda.

Shortly after that my new Elif signed up for the challenge too. Elif lives in the great NYC and is the creator of lovely jewelry. To raise money for the Seva challenge Elif decided to create handmade malas and sell them on Etsy, the site for handmade goods -under the shop name Malas for Peace.

Fast forward, through the summer's fast pace and activities... Elif sent me a message about a month ago that her life had taken a change in course, the summer brought with it a beautiful tiny wedding in the city and she was no longer finding the time for the Seva challenge. Elif had decided to donate what she has raised to my goal.

Thank you Elif for this beautiful act of friendship. And thank you everyone who supported and continues to support Elif on this journey. Together we are now closer to meeting the financial needs of the ongoing projects with Shanti Uganda, the New Hope orphanage, and Building Tomorrow.