Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Revolutionary roller skating

When I was in elementary school and in junior high we would have skating parties... and oh they were glorious times!! I have vivid memories of my mother braiding a florescent ribbon into my extremely long hair and I would swing that braid as I cruised around the rink. And it never hurt that there were boys there, and a snack bar. Ah the freedom of youth...

So why is roller skating revolutionary?

Well because not all youth has this freedom and by participating in an upcoming fundraiser you could simultaneously enjoy the freedom of flying around the rink on wheels - while actually saving lives and brightening futures.

Who knew saving lives could be done while roller skating... who knew that a few dollars in a donation jar could add up to a school, or a birthing center for mothers with HIV/AIDS, or a sustainable farm for a village. Well it can...

Sunday March 29th, 4:30 - 6:30
please join me for
Donate and Skate
at the Olympic Skating Center in Enola PA.

For two glorious hours the rink is all ours. Bring your friends - all of them. Bring your family - all ages. Invite strangers. Invite everyone from your school or your kids' school. Get the crew back together to relive that routine you did once in 1989.

100% of the money collected from donations will go towards the 2009 Seva Challenge! The rink fits 1000 people... lets fill it. I will be there with information about Yogini for Uganda and Off the Mat, Into the World. Please join me...

Hokey poky for peace!!

** Olympic Skating Center will charge $1 for rentals - that charge is not part of the donations.

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